I'm feeling humbled, I'm feeling honored, I'm just feeling oh-so-verklempt...
See that pretty little lemonade stand? That's the Lemonade award- an award that is passed to bloggers for showing great Attitude and/or Gratitude... and I am the blushing recipient of this award from some wonderful blogging pals
Cat and
Jumbleberry who I am sharing the award right back to and will be named below (as part of the ten fabulous bloggers I can shall pass this award along to), cause gosh darn it- I love these women *mwah!*...
The rules of this award for recipients:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
So here are my 10 in no particular order:
Imagination in Parenting- For beautiful photos of everyday life, go visit Annie's blog. Food, knitting, crafts... she's like that super cool friend you want to hang out with all the time.
McSmithleyville- I've known Jen FOREVER. Her family pretty much adopted me when I moved thousands of miles away from home after college and I spent many happy holidays hanging out at her folks house. Jen used to let me bootleg copies of her Prince cassettes when she was in high school- she was so cool even then. Through her blog, I get to see Jen now as a mother- an amazing, wonderful sweet mother with a gorgeous little boy. She's a yogi, knitter, professional smart person (she teaches) and is just an all around fun person.
AmLo Farms- Oh Cat, I just adore you in spades. There is so much joy, happiness and gratitude for everyday life in her blog. When I feel like just being happy, I stop by Cat's blog
One Hook Wonder- Nicole cracks me up. She is so REAL and just a funny, funny person who does some pretty crafty things. I feel like she's my doppelganger. I'm just wondering what it's going to take for her to join my
Lost Waldorf Mamas group (and anyone can join by the way, the only requirement is an affection for snark). Yeah, Nicole, I'm calling you out in public... luv ya' babe... mean it.
Soulemama- Everyone knows Amanda, everyone loves Amanda and I know I wish I could take pictures and write like Amanda. The woman rocks.
Frontier Dreams- Nicole! Nicole! Nicole! There's not enough exclamation marks to describe how much I love this woman. She has the sweetest soul and some crazy knitting skills. I love reading her blog (her photos are amazing) and following her family's Waldorf journey.
Ordinary Life Magic- The name of the blog says it all. Stephanie makes homeschooling look so much fun. I'm breathless from following her fantastic adventures. Her days are magical and filled with so much imagination and creativity, I feel so lucky that she shares it with all of us.
Autumn Oak Homestead- Tahara is an incredibly wonderful person with some truly adorable boys. Her blog just exudes so much serenity. I look to her for her wisdom in raising sons and marvel at the lovely environment she's created for her family
Jumbleberry Jam- This woman has a way with words. When I first read her blog, I was just blown away by her clever and intelligent writing and I've been so flattered (and relieved) that she hasn't put out a restraining order on me for all the fawning I do over her.
Mom in Madison- As a former Madison dweller, I love to read about Denise's homeschooling adventures with her boys in one of my favorite places. She has the best craft tutorials and some seriously fun kids.
So that's my list, my friends...
What are you still doing here??!! Go...go on now... check these spectacular women out!