This is what happens when you leave three baskets of folded laundry up in the kids playroom because you finished folding it at 2AM and you didn't want to wake them by putting it in their room. And you weren't paying attention this morning because you were nursing an extra strong cup of cofee while breastfeeding the baby and the sounds from the playroom were of little boys laughing so you figured everything was OK and they weren't killing each other and you had a momentary respite from refereeing...
Yup, this is what happens
Bless you hard workin' Mama! But what fun they had! There's a little award for you over at my place (JJ) if you'd like to drop in. I'll have another nice cup of coffee ready for you ;-).
Kudos for folding laundry. Mine gets shoved into the drawers willy nilly!
so i am here gently laughing with you.
t takes everything out of her drawers and there are days where her room looks similar. i have started simply not folding the items that go in her drawers. saves me from getting frustrated and instead am able to laugh at the grandeur of messiness she creates...and together we clean it up.
so cute, thanks for sharing marina!
Thanks everyone for the support, I feel like a total dolt... so it's OK NOT to fold laundry??!!!
I <3 you all
as i sit here looking at the baskets that need folding i commend you on getting even that far!! ;)
glad the kids ha fun though! ;)
I'm lucky to get our laundry folded before the *next* laundry day. I'm impressed with anyone who gets theirs folded!
OOOOOOOOH, MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!! I've been through this one many a time!!!
And i have sooooo much laundry to do now that we are home from vacation....sigh
have you embraced the not-folded ways? :D!
So a friends told me that she actually just leaves her family's laundry in individual baskets after they come out fo the dryer and lets them just poke through them for clothes... that idea is just looking better and better :)
Runnin... going to your blog now to read about your trip- hope you got your knitting lesson!
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