New Years, we found ourselves by the water. It's one of the true cliches of living in California that you can be sledding in the snow one day and then digging at the beach that same week.

Sitting by the water brings me to a place of calm introspection while I watch my boys at play.

I was reminded of time passing along far too quickly with my Luca Bean taking his first steps that day

I'm not very good at making New Years Resolutions. I know that there are areas in my life that could be improved, but I also know that I want to be gentle with myself and my expectations. So instead, I sit and envision the life that I want for me and my family. I want closeness, I want happiness, I want the boys to feel unconditionally loved... I want to create bonds that will hold us all together through the years...
But I also want the boys to feel freedom and independance... I want to help them discover who they are... and to find joy on their own

That is my journey, thank you for joining me in it...
Happy New Year, Dearest Friends
May this year bring you joy
With Love,
marina, little ones on the beach have to be some of my favorite photos and your boys never disappoint! luca's first steps? oh my! what a cutie, anxious to keep up with his brothers, i am sure (or anxious to no longer be barreled over!). my resolutions (dreams?) for this year (and those yet to come) are similar.
happy new year and i love your new header!
Ahhh Luca! Already?!Oh my goodness!! He really wants to be like his big brothers and join in on the fun, doesn't he? <3
I have been missing the california beaches and mountains so very much lately, I am so happy to see your pics at the beach. I hope all is well <3 Missing you!!
Happy New Year to you, dear friend! Luca walks! What a special way to bring in the new year. Blessings to you all. You are always in my heart. xoxo, jj
Happy, Happy New Year, Marina!!!!
You're boys are darling, as usual!
And I nosily want to know what beach this is? And while I'm at it, the gorgeous pictures in the redwoods you posted a while back, is that in town?
Thanks again for your thoughtfulness this holiday season. Have a wonderful year!
Thank you ladies so much! I owe you all emails and apologize for my computer laziness :(. My computer time at night has been replaces by earlier an bedtime for much needed sleep... but I will write soon and love you all <3!
Rhiann, no nosiness at all! The beach photo is in Alameda just South of Crown Memorial Beach and the redwoods were Muir Woods over in Marin... both lovely places for you to take your little lovely!
This pictures are very nice!and your dreams fot this new year too..happy new year to you and your little tribe family!!
When I saw your banner, the first word to cross my mind was "possibility". Wishing you and yours a happy, restful New Year.
What a beautifully still way to bring in the new year. I hope it's a good one! A little one's first steps are a moment to treasure. Luca is so sweet!
How cool to have both of those extremes available to you!! WONDERFUL shots of your boys just reveling in it!!
happy new year my darling friend...xoxox
i miss the beach...thanks for the pictures! and congrats to luca! i can't believe he's growing so fast...seems like we were just waiting to hear of his birth!
Happy New Year! *hugs* My husband and I had a talk over the weekend about hopes for our family this year as well - it was really nice.
These are great new year's thoughts.
And can I say how jealous I am of your short sleeves and beach time? It's been -20 the last few mornings here.
Happy New Year to you my dear friend. Your beach photos make me want to visit our beaches. Hopefully soon. Wishing you health and happiness in 2010
Hello Marina! Thank you for sharing your beautiful beach moments with us. Oh, how I miss the ocean! I feel I need to be there very soon.
Glad you had a nice holiday with your family. Wishing you all the best in this new year!
With love, Renee
Warm wishes to you and your family in this new year! Such sweet photos, and a beautiful little one taking his first steps! xo
Wow, you are so lucky to be able to visit a beach like that!
Love, love, love the photos!
Happy New Year to you as well!
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