Recently at our local Waldorf School's Harvest Faire, I had the most wonderful opportunity to visit with my dear, dear friend Christine Schreier, the proprietor of The Puppenstube. Sometimes in your life, you are fortunate to meet people whose spirit touches you with warmth and whose lifeforce gives you so much joy...Christine is one such person. While many of you know her from the gorgeous wooden Buntspechte figures she carries in her shop, it is her dolls that I hold close to my heart. It's become increasingly important to me to have the toys that my children play with be made with loving hands. Hands that put love and care into their craft. Hands that want to honor this magical time that is childhood. Though hundreds of dolls have been birthed through her hands, you can feel her joy in creating each one.
Luca sleeps with his Star Child Baby
Recently Christine moved up north to Lake County where she is neighbors with the illustrious Bill Bluhm of Heartwood Arts. I had the privilege to meet Bill that day and I have to say, I was a bit star struck. Bill is the inventor of the building playclip, each one made by his hands, and the artist who creates beautiful gnome homes. Bill is a big, gentle bear of a man who is so incredibly thoughtful in his work. He is an artisan who creates toys that honor nature and allow children to fully explore where their imagination takes them.
Recently Christine moved up north to Lake County where she is neighbors with the illustrious Bill Bluhm of Heartwood Arts. I had the privilege to meet Bill that day and I have to say, I was a bit star struck. Bill is the inventor of the building playclip, each one made by his hands, and the artist who creates beautiful gnome homes. Bill is a big, gentle bear of a man who is so incredibly thoughtful in his work. He is an artisan who creates toys that honor nature and allow children to fully explore where their imagination takes them.
Luca with one of his favorite toys, the hollow from the Heartwood Arts block set
These amazing artisans Christine and Bill, have begun collaborating on new toy designs and I was blessed to be the recipient of their first collaboration... the ferrynewcastle.
This piece was inspired by a dream that visited Bill one night. When he woke the next morning, he set to work on recreating this vision and by the end of the day the ferrynewcastle was born. It is an incredibly beautiful piece of art that takes my boys away in their play to magical lands where little gnomes and fairies hide.
Christine and Bill, both of have years of experience of being toy makers, but more importantly also of being Waldorf parents. They are truly lovely wonderful people and it is reflected in the playthings that they create. There are many new designs in the works for the upcoming year and I am so excited to see what transpires with my dear friend and my new friend!
Much love and gratitude to you, Christine and Bill!